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Customized Shana Tova eGreetings

Design & branding > Customized Shana Tova eGreetings

Show your clients you care! 
Send them a customized Shana Tova e-greeting!

Rosh Hashana is around the corner.  It’s time to 'reach out and touch' your clients with a personalized Shana Tova eGreeting to post on your social media pages, to send out in a newsletter or even to print as a card. 

I create and design a custom-made, branded-for-your-business chagim/holiday eGreetings ready for posting on social media, newsletters and ready-for-print ads.  I can design eGreetings in almost any language (foreign language texts must be supplied by you), using images photographed by Sidney Eisner and/or free for commercial-use images, your logo and more. 

Shana Tova eGreeting examples

Click here to view a few of the hundreds of photos depicting scenes throughout Israel that are perfect for Shana Tova eGreeting backgrounds; photographed by Sidner Eisner and available for free for  your eGreetings

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