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  • Writer's pictureYochi Eisner, Owner

Stop using big words to sell!

Updated: Dec 12, 2019

Stop using big words to sell!  YE Associates blog

It ain't the 80s!

Until the 1980s the basic premise of all marketing – in fact - all business, was that "We are the experts, We know what we are doing, We know your problem and we will use big words and convoluted technical terms and charge you big fees to somehow prove that we can make your problem go away"’. And when we, the consumers, needed a product or service, we either had to become an expert in that field, or rely on the information we were fed through the media channels of the time.

The 90s brought the internet into our homes and we began to get an inkling of the gale-force winds of information-sharing change our world was about to experience. The new millennia brought about a revolution in the way we acquire information with search engines offering the average person a key to understanding – well - everything. In 2005 Facebook and Youtube were launched, taking the fledgling social media industry into the stratosphere and creating a new level of community information-sharing and no one has looked back since.

Stop using big words to sell!  YE Associates blog

Just google it!

The old marketing business model of "it's-complicated-dear-so-don’t-ask-too-many-questions-and-pay-us-the-big-bucks" is no longer valid. Customers expect to be provided with a level of information that is valuable and meaningful to them and if they feel data is lacking, they will just whip out their phones and google it.

Perhaps for the first time since "man tried to sell to man" the average customer is better educated, more sophisticated and less likely to depend on the word of the seller alone.

In a world where choice is never ending and customers can source products from all over the world at the press of a button, information is king. If you provide that information in a timely, valuable manner and create the level of trust the customer craves, you will make the sale. If you use convoluted terms that are designed to imply something big or complicated when simple, straightforward terms would be more appropriate, then you will lose that customer before you even get her/him.

Stop using big words to sell!  YE Associates blog

It really ain't rocket science!

I remember always hearing the saying “it ain’t rocket science” to describe an easily understood concept and my answer was always – even rocket science 'ain’t rocket science' when you break it down into bite size pieces of information. Well today, in the minds of customers, no concept or product is rocket science.

Good news for small business owners!

This is all good news for small business owners. In an information-rich environment, where customers know what they need and what is available, small and large businesses have an almost equal chance of making the sale.

Now let me connect the dots: provide your potential customers with straightforward and transparent information, create a bond of trust and describe your services and products without an alphabet soup list of initials or a string of meaningless synonyms for ‘big and important’ that no longer impresses anyone and you have a very good chance of making the sale.

Just keep in mind: Don’t go big – go simple!

Do you want to open yourself to a more successful business? Are you lost in the social media jungle? Let me help you re-energize your business and rediscover your passion in your profession. We’ll work together to improve your online exposure and find the perfect target markets for your business. Schedule a consulting session online today:

Do you want to open yourself to a more successful business? Are you lost in the social media jungle? Let me help you re-energize your business and rediscover your passion in your profession. We’ll work together to improve your online exposure and find the perfect target markets for your business.

Contact me today to schedule a free introductory meeting. Yochi Eisner | 052-3413249

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