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  • Writer's pictureYochi Eisner, Owner

The secret to outdoing the competition: 6 proven strategies to handle small business competition

Dealing with competition in small businesses

There’s a feeling amongst small business owners that competition is a bad thing or something to be worried about and avoided at all costs. Competition is GOOD. Competition means your industry is worth working in and competing over.

Are you worried about your competition? Then it's time to take control and learn these 6 proven strategies to handle small business competition:

  1. You don’t want your competition to disappear – they make you stronger and hungrier to succeed. Learn from your competition: what makes them attractive, what are they offering and where are they offering it.

  2. Don’t disrespect your competition or disparage them – they can become a great source for cooperative/joint ventures and an additional resource for large projects or projects you cannot fulfill yourself.

  3. Don’t help your competition – if potential clients ask specific questions about your competition, move the conversation back to your services and your value.

  4. Is your competition found everywhere on social media – learn from your competition and improve your exposure and intensify your social media efforts.

  5. Do you feel someone is encroaching on your territory - don't get angry - get moving! Increase your marketing efforts, produce more blogs / vlogs, initiate more speaking engagements, do more networking.

  6. Finally: Become the expert / the authority in your field. Make yourself indispensable to your audience. Be the go-to person in your field.

The bottom line for all small business owners is that competition cannot kill your business unless you allow it to. Build your business from strength, see the competition as proof of the value and importance of your industry and don’t give up or lose sight of the most important asset of your business: you!


Do you want to open yourself to a more successful business? Are you lost in the social media jungle? Let me help you re-energize your business and rediscover your passion in your profession. We’ll work together to improve your marketing strategy and online exposure and find the perfect target markets for your business. Contact me today to schedule a free introductory meeting.

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